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Monday, November 28, 2016

Here is some more nonsense from and about one racist council member, someone who should never have been elected to the Council.  I've said before that she is 10 miles of bad road.  She has a very poor financial record and additionally is a bankrupt and skipped out on her debts owed for her 'pole dancing' salon.  I understand that she stiffed the strip mall owner for over 100K.  Do you want to let her continue her antics on the Council and continue to waste taxpayer funds?

Council Actions Summary November 21 Meeting

November 22nd, 2016 by Pam Davis

Authorization to grant a refund of a $250 donation (Custom Sponsorship Package) to the Kennesaw Youth Council by Marie Green/M. Walters Accounting Services & More, LLC.  Motion by Councilmember Daniel to approve, seconded by Councilmember Patel.  Vote taken, motion failed 1-3-1 (Councilmembers Patel, Dickens and Sebastian opposed; Councilmember Eaton absent).
Consideration to amend fiscal year 2015-2016 budget to allocate funds to cover $362.88 overage for Councilmember Daniel to attend the Regional Leadership Conference in Savannah.  Motion by Councilmember Patel to amend the agenda item to $721.13 not $362.88, seconded by Councilmember Daniel.  Vote taken to approve amendment to agenda item, 2-2-1 (Councilmembers Dickens and Sebastian opposed, Councilmember Eaton absent).  Mayor Easterling broke the tie with a vote to approve, 3-2-1.  Motion carried.  Vote by Councilmember Patel to approve the budget amendment for FY 2015-16, seconded by Councilmember Daniel.  Vote taken to approve budget amendment, 2-2-1 (Councilmembers Dickens and Sebastian opposed, Councilmember Eaton absent).  Mayor Easterling broke the tie with a vote to approve, 3-2-1.  Motion carried. 
Consideration of expenses incurred for a trip to Savannah on behalf of the Youth Council by Councilmember Daniel on September 23-24, 2016.  Total costs for hotel, vehicle, parking and food was $418.04.  Motion by Councilmember Daniel to amend the agenda item to $678.79 not $418.04, seconded by Councilmember Patel.  Vote taken to approve amendment to agenda item, 2-2-1 (Councilmembers Dickens and Sebastian opposed, Councilmember Eaton absent).  Mayor Easterling broke the tie with a vote to approve, 3-2-1.  Motion carried.  Vote by Councilmember Daniel to approve the expenditure on behalf of the Youth Council, seconded by Councilmember Patel.  Vote taken to approve expenditure, 1-3-1 (Councilmembers Patel, Dickens and Sebastian opposed, Councilmember Eaton absent).  Motion failed. 

NOTE:  The entire 7 pages of the above meeting of 11/21/16 are further down the blog site.  Here is an extract from that meeting:


In this Council meeting the Mayor and 3 Councilmembers dumped Yvette Daniel from the Youth Council and replaced her with Councilmember Patel.  Ms. Daniel is poorly thought of among elected Kennesaw office holders.

She is seen as wasteful of City funds, not reliable in taking up her duties and hostile to other members.
Earlier in the meeting approx 12 people spoke about how good the Youth Council was, several speakers were not Kennesaw residents.

Later in the meeting Yvette Daniel was ‘fired’ from her position as liaison with the Youth Council

Council Chambers 
Monday, November 21, 2016 
6:30 p.m. 


Councilmember Yvette Daniel said for the past six months she has been dealing with a lot of issues. There are marked double-standards on this board. 

She has been and will continue to work diligently for the programs for the City. However, working in a hostile work environment, getting emails from Councilmembers saying to do business a certain way or she should leave. 

Emails with prejudicial comments and negative tone, and Councilmembers acting like she’s breaking the law just because she can. Second problem she has is disparity of treatment. The Mayor and Council voted to have a retreat which they knew she was unable to attend and still wanted to go forward thinking she did not want to be a part of the team. 

She was arbitrarily removed as liaison to the Youth Council and was confronted with a demand letter to pay. There are policies and procedures with credit cards but they’re not being followed. She doesn’t recall being asked to approve a ride supplied to a Councilmember by the City Attorney to bring him to the meeting. 

She has been impeded from putting items on the agenda. When she goes to staff, calls made when she leaves. She has raised thousands of dollars for the Youth Council, that is a slap in the face to have to pay back for planning a trip to build them. She supports Council up here and doesn’t feel it is afforded to her. 

Whatever comes of this, get ready. 

*Note:  Text of comment above has been broken into paragraphs for easier reading.



In this Council meeting the Mayor and 3 Councilmembers dumped Yvette Daniel from the Youth Council and replaced her with Councilmember Patel.  Ms. Daniel is poorly thought of among elected Kennesaw office holders.

She is seen as wasteful of City funds, not reliable in taking up her duties and hostile to other members.

Earlier in the meeting approx 12 people spoke about how good the Youth Council was, several speakers were not Kennesaw residents.  Later in the meeting Yvette Daniel was ‘fired’ from her position as liaison with the Youth Council



Taxpayer Money Being Wasted on Useless Courses for New Council Member

Ethics Question

New Council member Daniel will attend a 6 day $2400 ARC program 9/25/30. This was approved by a 5-0 vote in Council on June 20th. In effect she voted for her own 6 day vacation.
Why do Council members vote on issues that benefit them?
Didn’t the City Attorney cover this sort of ethics issue for the new members and if he didn’t why not.


Earlier in the year, the Council voted for the Leadership Cobb program for one member (Mayor or Council) to attend. At that time, there were no known members chosen. Ultimately, none were selected for the upcoming nine (9) month class.
Unbeknown to most of the Council, Ms Daniel applied (or was nominated) for the ARC program and was accepted. The vote you are referring to was to apply the $3,000 set aside for the Leadership Cobb program for the ARC program. There needed to be a vote as it was an unbudgeted item.
As a side, there are no funds in the upcoming budget allocated for these events. Each member has a set allowance for classes/travel and that is it. You can track each elected officials spending via an Open Records Requests. You will find some spend everything they have while others spend next to nothing.
We were not advised by the City Attorney regarding the specifics of who could vote or not vote on this issue as it was considered a generic fund. Given she took the route of asking for forgiveness rather than notifying and getting approval of the Council ahead of time is something you need to address with her.

Even if there was no formal ‘Introduction to Ethics’ provided by the City Attorney, it should be obvious to anyone with connected brain cells that if a course of action is going to benefit a serving Council member that said member should avoid casting a vote on the issue.
Also it would have been nice had others on the Council suggested that if she wanted to go back to her old S. Georgia neighborhood for 6 days that she should pay for it herself.
$2,400 is a lot of taxpayer money for a new council member, for a Mayor, maybe but what use is this for one of 5 council members? This sort of pork barrel stuff should not happen.
Hopefully the City didn't issue her a credit card. Her past bankruptcy and large debts should be enough to make a credit card out of the question.
I recall that in the closing days of the old mayor Mathews administration he wanted to get an expense paid trip to some place out west for a conference and even the old City Council had enough guts to say that the City wasn’t going to pay for the trip. He went anyway but had to pay for it himself.
A pretty poor showing that this new Council wasn’t even up to the minimal standards of an old Council.




Let's see.If I'm correct, and. Daniel has been in office for seven months and has gone on two long distant trips on tax payers dollars. Not to mention th spending hike on those trips. Now we see she is attending another program, all in her first seven months. She's requested additional monies for education and travel - all TAX PAYERS dollars.
Exactly who monitors the Mayor and Council spending? It's very evident Ms. Daniel has found her cash cow in the Kennesaw government and most citizens are just to naive to see it, or they simply don't care.
Ms. Daniel campaigned on transparency, financial stewardship, and honesty. Appears it was typical politician rhetoric. Does Kennesaw really have that much excess money to be paying for a "government funded lifestyle" for this Councilmember? Are people afraid to confront Ms. Daniel or the Council regarding the spending taking place with this new Council? This ARC program is not mandatory, it's a luxury. Are we to continue to pay for the political career plans of a local politician with a questionable past financially and educationally.
Didn't the prior Council reduce the Mayor/Council budget around $32,000? Now Ms. Daniel is requesting to increase it for her personal/professional benefit? With her bent on 100% disability, she can't work and draw a paycheck, so she chooses a profession in politics for the "recognition".
How can he citizens stop this erroneous spending by the "tribe" before it's too late, and put those dollars where it's most needed?


Davey Crockett says:

Don't forget to keep up with her at: 



In recent years Kennesaw voters have made some bad choices for Council representation.

The latest bad choice is a bankrupt from Augusta who dragged in here with a long history of bad debt and continued this activity while running up signifigent debt with a local businessman who she stiffed for around  $100,000 for her pole dancing/exercise salon.

With new debts coming to light monthly for this Councilmember and her lack of any worthwhile contribution to Council activities we need to ask/demand that she resign from the Council so that a more qualified and honest resident can take up the position.

see also:

Just Wondering?  

Does Ms. Daniel have a City issued credit card?  If so you better get it back PDQ!


$191,600 Loan Default on Ms Daniel's home at:  3401 Thames Pl, Hephzibah, GA 30815

(Note:  Richmond County Records correctly shows address as 3401, Publication Notice shows 2401.)

3401 Thames Pl, Hephzibah, GA 30815*
  -  Est. $166,418 
4 beds, 2 baths, 2,271 sq ft

3401 Thames Pl is a Single family located in Pepperidge, GA, in Richmond county. Built in 2005, this property was last sold for $180,900 in 2006 to Yvette Daniel and currently has an estimated value of $166,418. The median price for this area is $97,500.

This 2271 square foot single family home has 4 bedrooms and 2.0 bathrooms. It is located at 3401 Thames Pl Hephzibah, Georgia.  4 beds 2 baths 2,271 sq ft

See also:

(Note:  Richmond County Records correctly shows address as 3401, Publication Notice shows 2401.)


Publication Name:  The Augusta Chronicle
Publication URL:

Publication City and State:  AugustaGA
Publication County:  Richmond
Notice Popular Keyword Category:

Notice Keywords:  Yvette Daniel
Notice Authentication Number:  201602201912597679326

Notice Content

Notice of Sale Under Power. State of Georgia, County of RICHMOND. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Deed to Secure Debt given by YVETTE MICHELLE ANN DANIEL to WACHOVIA MORTGAGE CORPORATION , dated 09/24/2007, and Recorded on 10/03/2007 as Book No. 1145 and Page No. 2436, RICHMOND County, Georgia records, as last assigned to JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. (the Secured Creditor), by assignment, conveying the after described property to secure a Note of even date in the original principal amount of $191,600.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the RICHMOND County Courthouse within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, the following described property: 

ALL THAT LOT, TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, TOGETHER WITH IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, IF ANY, LYING AND BEING AND SITUATE IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA AND COUNTY OF RICHMOND, BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT 24 OF BLOCK F OF CAMBRIDGE SUBDIVISION, SECTION TEN, ON A PLAT OF SURVEY RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT OF RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA IN PLAT BOOK 2 AT PAGE 113, REFERENCE BEING MADE TO SAID PLAT FOR A MORE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE DESCRIPTION AS TO METES, BOUNDS, COURSES, LOCATION AND DISTANCES OF SAID PROPERTY. SAID PROPERTY IS CONVEYED SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL APPLICABLE COVENANTS, EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. PROPERTY ADDRESS 2401 THAMES PLACE, HEPHZIBAH, GEORGIA 30815 TAXID NO. 143 1 053 00 0 The debt secured by said Deed to Secure Debt has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Deed to Secure Debt. Because the debt remains in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Deed to Secure Debt and by law, including attorney's fees (notice of intent to collect attorney's fees having been given). JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. holds the duly endorsed Note and is the current assignee of the Security Deed to the property. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, acting on behalf of and, as necessary, in consultation with JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. (the current investor on the loan), is the entity with the full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the loan. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 44 14 162.2, JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION may be contacted at: JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, 3415 VISION DRIVE, COLUMBUS, OH 43219, 866 550 5705. Please note that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. 44 14 162.2, the secured creditor is not required to amend or modify the terms of the loan. 

To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party/parties in possession of the subject property known as 2401 THAMES PL, HEPHZIBAH, GEORGIA 30815* is/are: YVETTE MICHELLE ANN DANIEL or tenant/tenants. Said property will be sold subject to (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (c) all matters of record superior to the Deed to Secure Debt first set out above, including, but not limited to, assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, easements, restrictions, covenants, etc. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and nonjudicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided in the preceding paragraph. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. as Attorney in Fact for YVETTE MICHELLE ANN DANIEL

THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 00000005108717 BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER LEVINE & BLOCK, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard Addison, Texas 75001 Telephone: (972) 341 5398. April 9, 16, 23, 30, 2015 Ad #16592397



Case #
Party Name
System Wide Search
Filed From / Filed To
Case #Case StyleJudgeStatusFilingDisp. DateDisp. StageDisp. CodeCase Type(s)
2009RCD01459LEON A FLETCHER VS YVETTE M DANIELDANIEL J. CRAIGCL10/9/20093/8/2010NTJUDPLEPaternity/Legitimation

Yvette M. A. Daniel Bankruptcy Information

You know i find it very strange that a racist man named Davey Crockett can go around here humiliating my race, posting things on Facebook that is very inappropriate and nothing is said. But when a black man like me, who wants equal and fairness in this city, who is fed up and tired of seeing his race disrespected puts on his gloves to fight back and delivers the blows it becomes a problem. Listen Crockett whatever you call yourself, when you address me in my inbox you address me as Mr. Freeman. You are sad and need to be put in your place because this is not the old days, As i told you i am a proud strong black man who will not let you or anyone else keep humiliating my race and every other considered minority race! We have a voice in this city, we pay taxes just like every other citizen, so we will be respected! You think that you are the only one in this city that can get personal info and blast people? You think that you are the only one who has the power? Well i got news for you, check your memo it will say NOT! Their are people even in your race who want to do what's right that are sick of this non sense that is going on behind the scenes and ready to stop it! Enough is enough, you are so racist that the first person that you can think of to blame this on is Yvette Daniel for Kennesaw City Council Post 2 when you have no clue of how many people in this city absolutely hate what you are doing. But i am the one that will not sit around and let this bullying take place! That woman has no clue of how many supporters she has. 

What's sad is that you all want to point fingers and pin this on someone when you need to be looking in the mirror at yourself! Thanks for the inbox and confederate flag that you sent to crockett i know more than enough!

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Shelly Browne likes this.
Catcher Freeman Davey Crockett You are a sad man i am not interested in running for City Council at all because i couldn't put up with people like you but this is a city that i live in so my vote will be for the right one. Nutcase huh? Sad so sad!
Catcher Freeman Davey Crockett you did exactly what i wanted you to do, thanks! You and your colleagues are outstanding!
Shelly Browne And this is from '02...
Shelly Browne Even the government has a statue of limitations on a bankruptcies following you for the rest of your life.
Davey Crockett There is no statute of limitations on bankruptcy as regards filing for bankruptcy. 

However, there may be limitations and restrictions. 

A person may file whenever he or she comes to the conclusion that bankruptcy is the best course of action to take. 

There are six types of bankruptcy, and each of these has its own set of chapters which delineate the rules and regulations for the specific chapter.

The most common filings for personal bankruptcy are Chapter 7 and Chapter 11, while most businesses file under Chapters 7 and 13. Chapter 7 is the most common filing status of all the bankruptcy chapters.

Also there are other restrictions that apply as to whether or not an individual can file for bankruptcy. These include having a had debt discharged by Chapter 7 within the last 6 years; having completed a repayment plan under Chapter 13; having bankruptcy dismissed for cause within the last 180 days, or numerous other scenarios. Note that each state has its own set of regulations regarding different aspects of the bankruptcy code.

There is not a statute of limitations on bankruptcy as regards filing, there are many limitations and restrictions that affect the process.

LikeReplyOctober 26 at 11:03am

The Fall of Kennesaw:
I have been a resident of Kennesaw, Ga for 12 years and i have seen so much go on here good and bad. For the most part it is a nice city to live and and raise your kids in. Most people see and hear about the good because they only see one side of the fence, but i am here to tell you now that i have seen the bad and very ugly of this city and it has become ridiculous to me because they portray this city to be a fair and equal city, they say it's the best place to live in the state of ga, but what they don't talk about is what matters and that's the people who run this city and the people who are in elections that have campaigns going on right this minute to run this city. Now i am a man who doesn't say much until it's time and right now it is definitely time to reveal what's really going on in this BEAUTIFUL SO CALLED INNOCENT place of Kennesaw Ga!

I am a well known citizen of this place, a lot of people respect me and this place is so small that word travels quickly so the things that i am about to talk about may hurt a few people but the truth has to be told because if nobody knows or people who know are afraid to speak then we will continue to be living in a city that is ran by favoritism and racism! Now my question to you candidates who are running for office is " If you are who you say you are, then why do you have so many secrets in your life? " Now i have done my research on each and everyone of the candidates and i am briefly going to say what i need to say.

First and foremost there is a known racist in this town who has the page name Davey Crockett aka real name "Billy Harris" whom should be banned from Facebook because it is sad for a man with that much hatred against minorities to be allowed to say and do the things that he has said and done on Facebook. The ignorant posts geared towards one the the candidatesYvette Daniel for Kennesaw City Council Post 2 posting her personal information on Facebook, disrespecting her, calling her names because of the color of her skin and being proud of it is flat out ignorant! Lets not forget the Derek Easterling whom he also blasted personal information all over the web about! This is an election to take office of the city who needs to be ran by honest and loyal hardworking equal citizens, so what does a persons past bankruptcy information has to do with taking office and why is he allowed to have personal information like this in his possession? Obviously someone is leaking information out to backstab candidates in this election! 

Also he talks about Yvette being a stripper because she ran a fitness studio that taught pole classes, which is a great core exercise class that is taught world wide, but because she is an african american, and this man has confederate flags all over his page, with monkeys on his post talking about african americans and other minority races, he targets this woman! This is sad because he shouldn't be allowed to do any of this and the people of kennesaw allow this kind of outrageous behavior to be in this election and city! He then goes on to talk about Yvette owing Mr. Rj Patel money because she leased a building with him and couldn't keep up the $4,500 a month rent due to her being a single mother with a very sick child and having to make a decision between taking care of her family or keeping a building that wasn't very successful in the first place! Now to my understanding Rj Patel is a very religious man so he says, i've met him briefly at the KBA meetings and a lot of people respect this man but a lot of people don't know like this man because they say he is fake and arrogant and doesn't live up to whom he claims he is.

Now since this Davey Crockett, Billy Harris racist is allowed to do his research and blast a few candidates i have mine as well and i am not taking any sides. Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong. Rj Patel you have a forgiving religion correct? So why is it that you are blasting Yvette Daniel so much, talking bad about her and a few other candidates even the one that you are so called endorsing which is a shock Debra Williams for Kennesaw Mayor ? From my understanding you made many comments about this woman on different occasions telling people not to deal with her because she can be very messy and that you only deal with her because you have to. Then you go on to jump into politics when you clearly stated that you would never get involved in politics simply because of how people treat other people and how messy it is and you are not about that. So now i see this post about you endorsing Mrs. Williams and why are you doing this is it because Yvette Daniel is running for city council! RJ Patel this is flat out arrogant, toothfacive, and disqusting! How can you invite thousands of people in your house, say that you have a forgiving heart and religion but slander this woman's name simply because you are mad that she could not keep up the rent at your building? Mr. Patel people go through things and sometimes people fail, but do you beat them down when they are down or do you as you stated about the man you claim to be help them and forgive them and pray for them to do better? Obviously you are a fraud and you are not living right yourself! How would you feel if someone blasted everything that they know about you on this site? Your secrets Mr. Patel? Do you have any? We won't get into them right now, No not today, i will wait for the right time if there is one. My suggestion to you sir is o stop being a hypocrite and fooling these people of Kennesaw because you are not the man you say you are!

Speaking of Hypocrites, as i stated earlier i am not going to take any sides in this matter, now what disturbs me the most is when an african american, plays both sides of the fence just so he can win this election. That's right i am saying this as directly as possible to you Jimmy Dickens Mr. Dickens you are the modern day "Uncle Tom" and this is pitiful on your behalf for you to walk around here in this city like you are a man of God who loves the lord and is doing god's work but you are being the total opposite. You are an african american, be proud of who you are, the color of your skin and stop trying to kiss up to everybody just to get a vote! I am pissed because i know who you are sir, God doesn't like ugly remember that and right now you are very ugly in God's eye! I've been in your Co Owned Barber shop, you have actually tapered my hair and the sad thing about this is you are taking blows at your own race and have no clue what type image you are being seen as! I know you are fooling a lot of people in this city of kennesaw, communities, using God to get votes, donating suits, and doing anything possible to get a vote! This isn't about helping the city this is about you trying to get a pension and some health insurance because as a barber you don't get those benefits, you have to take care of your many children and getting a seat will help you with that because your alcohol problem is taking a toll on your pockets! On your Bio you stated that you have a degree in Barber Science? What University did you go to and and i have never heard of a degree of such! What i am trying to say is stop trying to be someone that you are not, stop trying to be this great man when you are far from it, stop turning against your own race so that you can win an election! I know about you and Mrs. Williams teaming up, and this is sad because i see this type of mess on the TV show "Scandal" and you are definitely a scandal brother! The truth always come to the light when it's all said and done and this city needs people who are going to make a difference! It's hurtful to throw you under the bus but right is right and you don't deserve to be in city council.

 You are selfish and flashy we need real people who are about the cause, to see you make yourself look like a complete idiot is sickening and i am only trying to help you so y advice to you is stop playing both sides if you want to win this election be you and stop lying to these people because we don't need liars we need the truth in the city of kennesaw.

This whole election is awful, we have people in office who have been in office 8 years and has not made a change yet that's right Tim Killingsworth you just want a pension as well. We don't need people in the office that is going to sit around and tittle their fingers we need people that will make a difference, who are going to be fair and equal, who is going to do right by the city! Tell me what do you have to say you have done for this city in 8 years sir? It's time for you to go, hit the road jack and please don't come back! You are a old and tired and we need a new look we need our city to be about something! The president of the united states can't even run more than 2 consecutive terms but because of you have been in office for 8 years and nothing has changed but your face and pension you are allowed to run for another term? This is favoritism at it's finest, and it's time that this stop!

This is by far one of the worst elections i have ever witnessed simply because this is about Race and Favoritism! This city is going to fall if we keep putting people in office who are about the color of skin and who they know. It's time to vote the filth out of the council and put people in there who are about what this city claims to be Excellence, Greatness, Fairness, and Equality! Honestly i don't care what color you are, if you are qualified and are the best for the seat then you should be in office! We need to stop all of this hatred amongst candidates because at the end of the day we all still have to live hear and our kids have to live here and this will only cause confusion that will end up getting out of control! A lot of you don't see this, most of you see it but don't want to do anything about it! Not me i will be at the voter polls and casting my vote on the candidates whom i think deserves the seat!

We need to cut this mess out and focus on what matters, the well-being of our city! They are arguing over a museum that has confederate flags in it and getting mad because a lot of people don't want to keep putting their hard earned money into a museum that is only for one race! Mrs. Deborah Williams this is your heritage and i respect that but it's not mine and thousands of others who don't want to keep putting our tax money into this museum! This is wrong! Can you explain to me why you think that, this it's ok to make our citizens pay taxes to a museum that is basically racist? This needs to stop! This needs to stop now! It's time to be fair it's time for everyone to really think about what's going on and stop this nonsense so we can make the right decision for our city!

Racism is wrong, Hate is wrong, Favoritism is wrong! I don't want to put everybody's business on blast but if i keep seeing this trash on Facebook how everyone is trying to stab people in the back then i am going to be forced to bring out the good stuff so let's be fair and do what's right! Be who you say you are and stop living a lie!

C. Freeman
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Debra Williams Kennesaw Community Supporter Whomever you really are - DO NOT use my page to spout your trash.
Jimmy Dickens First Mr Freeman i find it super suspicious that you have a Fake Facebook page. #REDFLAG
Mr.Freeman I will only address what you said about me. 1st it doesn't make me a uncle Tom because I refuse to stoop down to anyone level . If someone hates me be
cause of my color and I love them that is the Christ in me to love my enemies. Second if you knew anything about barbering a master barber that graduates from barber college gets a degree in Barber science.
Third if you would have done your research before you started speaking you would have seen that I refuse the pension and heath benifets.
Forth I don't or never had any type of alcohol problem. 
If you ever want to address me or any of my actions you said I cut your before don't put it on Facebook full of your wrong opinions because I wouldn't do that to you or anyone else. Be the man you are since you are so concern and address me to my face. 
With a made up facebook page makes me really wander how real you are.
People will criticize anything that you do if it's good or bad I will take the criticism for me giving stuff away..... Check my track record before u speck I have been giving and feeding for the 10 years I have been in kennesaw. Not for me but because that's how I was raised!!
If you have any other concerns don't hide behind Facebook with a fake page saying stuff that is not true come to me my brother let's break bread together with ALL your concerns about me because can't no one tell u about me better than I can.
BTW.... I still love u

Davey Crockett I have a good idea who CF is and it shouldn't be all that difficult for you also to figure it out. Actually I think it interesting enough to post it on my Kennesaw blog site and just for the record I have never spoken to Mr. Patel in my life, my info is from other sources on who owes him $ and won't pay.
Cris Eaton Welsh this is not ok..,,, if you are so well known and respected you should use your own name and stop operating in the shadows. #coward
Davey Crockett Hey Yvevette, try using paragraphs honey, it makes things easier to read.
Jimmy Dickens Dear Mr.X
I find it odd u just open your Facebook account.

I find it odd u didn't talk about all the candidates.
Me, Debra,Tim....
Oh yeah David and RJ...
U said nothing about any other candidate... 
Hummmm who could you be?

I find it odd u don't have a name on your Facebook and only following certain people. No kids no family... No trips, no pictures hummm...

I find it odd u didn't know that I spoke against the pension and health care benefits.

I find it odd that u have a problem with me given to others instead of taken from others. 

I find it odd if you didnt take your so call concerns and address the person directly with the person and not over a Fake Facebook account.

This really smell fishy but if the worse you can say is
I love people who may or may not love me.
I gave suits away that I couldn't wear away to men that could use them.
Well then I'm doing ok... 

I'll drink to that

Dirty politics don't fool anyone especially when everyone can see right through it.
If you wanted a suit u should have just ask for one.. Lol

I don't play these type of games or politics. When you really have a concern you know where my shop is that come to me anytime.


Btw... Mr.X I still love you

I just reread your mess again and you defend 2 candidates very strongly.... 

Mr.X why u didn't defend everyone... Hummm this is to Funny Mr.X

Look at your friend list wow you made a lot of friends in a short time that are right here in Kennesaw.

Mr.X who ever could you be ?

Davey Crockett It isn't Mr. X it is Yvette and my info from the start was that this woman was 'crazy' which of course I never used but I now see what the person who made the comment meant, the 'crazy' is clearly visible here.
Davey Crockett

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Davey Crockett Yvette you stiffed RJ for nearly 100K, shame on you for moving out in the middle of the night on someone who thought of you as a friend. I guess you could always go bankrupt again. Must be annoying to know that you will lose to Killingsworth who is also one of our Kennesaw bankrupts. And yeah I heard but didn't use until this rant, that you were a head case and 'crazy', now you have proved it so that cat is out of the bag and everyone sees that you are a nut case.
Catcher Freeman Cris Welch what's sad is that i was giving you the benefit of a doubt i was really on your side i actually thought that you were one of the fair ones but after calling me a coward because i am doing the same thing thatDavey Crockett is doing is a bit too much and says more than enough. crockett for you to pin this on Yvette Daniel for Kennesaw City Council Post 2 is sad and disgusting! There are a lot of people in this city who hate what you are about and trust and believe that woman has absolutely nothing to do with this. You just hate the fact that there are people who are paying attention, who has the same amount of power as you to get info and blast back! Jimmy Dickens you just need to sit this one out because i have no patience for a man of your character, you don't even deserve a response! Debra Williams for Kennesaw Mayor oh deborah put a sock in it, because you have no clue! The truth hurts it's a known fact. You all just remember that there are MANY of us paying attention to this election, we want a fair election not a scandal!
Catcher Freeman Davey Crockett We can do this all day, but i would say lets me and you meet for lunch since you think i am a female and lets have this discussions face to face like Men i would love that sir!
Davey Crockett

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Perhaps our new Council member could start her term by paying back Mr. Patel the 100K she owes for her rent on the failed Pole Dancing Exercise Salon on Cobb Pky.

She also called her fellow Black councilman an Uncle Tom when writing as 'Catcher Freeman on her Facebook blog site.

The below article appeared Sunday 1/31/16 and has been appended below FYI.  The author is a Black woman reporter for the MDJ.

Anyway here is the Sunday puff piece about her from the MDJ:

Believe, belong and become: Kennesaw councilwoman ready to bring new perspective to the job
by Kimeko McCoy
January 30, 2016 
Kennesaw Councilwoman Yvette Daniel, one of the city’s first black council members, points to family photos citing her family as her support system, above, and sits on her sofa, below. / Staff-Jon Gargis
Kennesaw Councilwoman Yvette Daniel, one of the city’s first black council members, points to family photos citing her family as her support system, above, and sits on her sofa, below. / Staff-Jon Gargis
Councilwoman Yvette Daniel, one of Kennesaw's first black councilmembers, sits in her Kennesaw home on Monday, Jan. 25, 2016.
Councilwoman Yvette Daniel, one of Kennesaw's first black councilmembers, sits in her Kennesaw home on Monday, Jan. 25, 2016.

Newly elected Kennesaw Councilwoman Yvette Daniel said her first month in office has been an eye opener but she’s excited to bring a new perspective to the council as its first African-American woman.

“Nothing that we have done up until now can prepare you for this,” Daniel said. “I have been hitting the ground. I want to say my first 45 days that I have plotted out have been two or three meetings a day sometimes.”

While Daniel said she has always made it her mission to be involved in the community, the former Augusta police officer didn’t have her sights set on elected office.

That changed when she became involved in Big Shanty Intermediate School’s PTA.

“I knew I was pretty good at getting people involved,” she said. “I’m mission oriented, so I pick a goal and I work toward it to get it accomplished.”

What Daniel realized was that Kennesaw had a lot of people who wanted to be involved. They just needed the right leaders, she said. 

As a cancer survivor and single mom of four children, Daniel said she knows how it feels to face challenges.

“I know what it feels like to be an outsider just from being in the military and always moving to another place so I can identify with that person,” she said.

Daniel served in the U.S. Army before a fight with cancer caused her to leave the service and move to Kennesaw.

While she grew up in Augusta, Daniel’s father was also in the military and the family often moved. In 2007, she graduated from Central Michigan University with a master’s degree in public administration.

“I just have had to all my life be a person who can overcome and adapt, and I think that’s the diversity that I bring because I can pretty much work with anybody as a functional team for the greater good of Kennesaw.”

Diversity is what Daniel said she appreciates most about the City Council.

“Everyone on this council has a different energy that we bring in our own respects,” she said. “What you have in diversity, it brings upon perspective and empathy and those are the two biggest things that come out of diversity.”

The councilwoman described herself as analytical, concise and a researcher before voicing her opinion. As a black councilwoman, Daniel said she doesn’t take her unique role in the male-dominated council casually.

“I don’t take that lightly because I know that that brings a different energy to the room and it’s not negative,” she said. “Right now is where the different personalities and how we want to push Kennesaw forward is going to be very evident, I will say.”


With everything she does, Daniel said, the goal is to inspire others as she feels God put her here for a reason. Six years ago, doctors discovered a tumor in Daniel’s body.

“They set me up for a follow up appointment the next week and it had doubled in size. Went back the next week and it had tripled,” she said. “That was my retirement out of the military. We were actually planning for my funeral.”

After undergoing surgery, the cancer did not return.

With her family and community support, Daniel set forward to tackle her goals and ultimately ousted Councilman Tim Killingsworth in the November election by a vote of 936 to 895.

Kennesaw resident Jacqlyn Charles serves as Daniel’s community liaison and considers Daniel to be her personal First Lady Michelle Obama.

“She’s a phenomenal woman,” Charles said. “In her position, she’s opened up a lot of doors.”

Charles said Daniel has helped her with her own challenges as well as the endeavors of others in the community.

“It’s so important to reach back and help others to reach that level.”

In running for council, Daniel said she had just one sign, 500 business cards and what she calls “fumes and faith.”

“It was just me, my kids, and we went out and did it,” Daniel said. “I think this sent shock waves to people to let them know their voice does matter.”

Daniel said she hopes to stand as an example to others, saying, “… to be honest with you, it doesn’t matter what color you are. It doesn’t matter what race, what gender, what nationality you are. We have common things. We all want some of the same things.”

During her first term in office, Daniel said she hopes to encourage community engagement, bring business to Kennesaw and strengthen the partnership between the city, Kennesaw State University and the Cobb County School District.

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Believe belong and become Kennesaw councilwoman ready to bring new perspective to the job 


*Tressala Latrice Allen, Lewis Anthony Brown, *William Robert Chambers, Joshua Brandon Hicks and Justin Avery Koon, Augusta; and Yvette Michelle Ann Daniel and *Latasha Wana Sneed, Hephzibah.
* Had straight A's


Officer works to 'weed out' criminals

As a little girl, Yvette Daniel grew up in Barton Village -- a neighborhood she describes as "thuggish," where the drug dealers made it unsafe for kids to play in their front yards.
Today, she's Richmond County sheriff's Deputy Yvette Daniel and her job is to target Barton Village and weed out the criminals.
"I feel like I can help make a difference," Deputy Daniel, 25, said. "With the drug selling, you couldn't even drive through this neighborhood. It wasn't a safe environment for anybody -- in the house or outside. You couldn't walk through the neighborhood. You'd get jumped on, robbed or whatever."
Deputy Daniel is part of Augusta's Weed and Seed program, a nationwide, federally financed effort to target neighborhoods overrun by crime. Weed and Seed gives neighborhood residents the opportunity to help rid their streets of crime.
Residents must work with city organizations -- such as the Family Y and the sheriff's department -- to apply for a Weed and Seed grant from the U.S. Department of Justice. For neighborhood residents, becoming eligible for a grant means the government recognizes their problem with crime and their efforts to solve the problem.
"The ultimate goal is to weed out the criminal element and reseed to gain control and create community development," said Sandy Mercer, co-director of Augusta's Weed and Seed and a director of the Family Y. "The really important part is changing the mindset of the community. We're very pleased where Augusta and the Barton Chapel community have gotten themselves. It just brings people together working toward a common goal."
Barton Village is Augusta's only neighborhood recognized as a Weed and Seed community. However, other neighborhood associations are interested in the program because of Barton Village's successes, local directors said.
"It's harder to get recognized as a Weed and Seed site than to get the funds," said Lillian-Katharine Blanos, co-director for Augusta's Weed and Seed. "We're hoping to expand. We want to bring the strategy into other neighborhoods."
Barton Village received a $225,000 grant in October. The grant is available for three years, but directors must reapply each year to receive the money. The application for 1999 dollars is due Wednesday, although there is no guarantee the government will award the same amount of money.
Weed and Seed is divided into two parts.The weed side of the program is the police. The Richmond County Sheriff's Department assigned six deputies to Barton Village patrol duty. Three deputies are on the streets working 12-hour shifts daily. They switch the times around so residents won't know when to expect them.
Since the increased police patrols began in January, deputies have served 19 warrants and made 25 arrests, according to the last monthly police report. Many of those have been for traffic violations, and between 2 to 3 arrests have been for disorderly conduct.
Since 1996, police have targeted Barton Village for crime sweeps, said Captain Jim Griffin. Police sweeps are when a large number of patrol cars target and saturate an area to investigate any suspicious person -- by stopping and questioning them, running warrant and vehicle license plate checks, and sometimes setting up roadblocks, police said.
The crime suppression team and the narcotics division frequently sweeped Barton Village on weekends, sometimes working with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Agency, probation officers and parole officers.
The sweeps were initiated partially because of numerous complaints from the residents about the amount of drug trafficking in their neighborhood, Captain Griffin said. Because of those sweeps, a number of arrests were made and warrants executed that involved street level drug activity.
The deputies now assigned to Barton Village volunteered for that beat. Deputy Daniel asked for the duty because she knows the violence firsthand and because she has family in the neighborhood.
"Our goal is to restore the peace," Deputy Daniel said. "By peace, I mean to get the neighborhood back to all the basics they've gotten away from -- getting rid of the loud music, getting rid of all the drugs we can. I'm working to put this community back together."
Her partners are sheriff's Deputies Troy A. Moses and Howard Hartung. Deputy Moses also grew up in Barton Village. Deputy Hartung lived in the neighborhood when he was in the Army, and his house was broken into three times.
The neighborhood they patrol isn't large. On almost every street, children ride their bikes or play basketball pick-up games. Streets are named for faraway exotic locales -- Rome, Madrid, Lisbon, Berlin, Amsterdam, London. The houses are mostly one-story homes -- some with flowers decorating their yards, others with old mattresses and abandoned cars.
Many houses are next to patches of woods, where deputies say drug dealers sell their illegal wares and use flashlights to warn each other if they see police coming.
But now, the police step in and after 11 p.m. residents are encouraged to stay indoors. Residents are questioned if they are found wandering the streets or hanging out in large groups in driveways.
"In the daytime, we push the PR (public relations). At night, we take on a different aspect," Deputy Daniel said. "We ride as a group -- car-to-car, back-to-back. They get the message. We're out here."
The daytime aspect is called community policing.
"The concept ranges from officers living in the community to being out there during the patrol -- knocking on doors, getting to know the people on their beat," Ms. Mercer said. "There's a statement being said: `We're all in this together. We're not going be taken hostage by you criminals.' "
Each deputy carries a bag of lollipops in his patrol car for children they meet while patrolling. When they run across a game of kick ball, they get out and play. They hang out with kids at bus stops and chat with them about their schoolwork.
"Some of these kids have never shook a policeman's hand before," Deputy Moses said. "Their older brothers tell them police are bad. We give them a different idea. It motivates them."
But residents are expected to help themselves. The officers are trying to help them start a neighborhood watch program.
"We're trying to get the community involved with their own neighborhood," Deputy Daniel said. "Once the police department is gone, they still need to function on their own. We don't want to come in and take over. We want them to run their own neighborhood."
Residents said they have noticed the police presence.
"It's made a big impact," said Tomikia Mack, 20, who is the mother of two boys. "It used to be drug dealers standing on the corners. A lot of killing. You can walk down the street now. When the cops come around, everybody disappears."
Michael Luke Jr., 11, said he's glad police are around and he's only scared "half the time."
"All you'd hear is gunfire and gun smoke," Michael said. "Parents are scared to let their kids come out. I've seen people running through the yards with guns."
Rene Williams, 13, and her sister Ericka, 15, said their mother won't let them play in their front yard sometimes because of neighborhood crime.
"Sometimes you feel scared," Ericka said. "You never know if a group of guys or a group of girls are going to rape you or mug you or shoot you."
The seed side of Weed and Seed is the community effort to curb crime. Barton Village's neighborhood association has joined with organizations like the Family Y and Clean and Beautiful to design a variety of programs.
The programs include sexual abstinence classes for teens, finding jobs for adults, high-school equivalency classes, day-care and tutoring for teen mothers, and after-school programs in schools -- with art, drama and field trips -- so kids don't come home to empty houses.
"The community has to take the concept and make it happen," Ms. Mercer said. "We have a high level of community support and participation."
The Richmond County Housing Authority donated a home on London Street to be used as a central office for Weed and Seed. The location will be called Safe Haven -- a place residents can go if they need any type of help. Another Safe Haven was set up at Barton Chapel Elementary School, where many of the after-school programs and classes are held.
Coordinators have also begun a drug hotline, to report any type of drug activity in the Barton Village neighborhood. Callers are asked to give exact descriptions of the perpetrators and the calls are completely anonymous. Police will then be dispatched to the scene.
"There is no fear of retaliation -- we want to stress that," Ms. Blanos said.
The hotline phone number is (706) 828-3784.
Those involved with Weed and Seed are determined to make a difference.
"We made some promises when we first came out and now we have to prove it," Deputy Daniel said. "Everybody just sells them a bunch of dreams. Once we've given them something they can touch and feel, it's more real to them. They're ready to see something. It's been a long time coming. Now they're ready for results.

San Antonio, Tx - Custody Case 6/2011 - 1/2014



Below is an extract of the 11/21/16 Council meeting.  The entire 7 pages are available below FYI:

The relevant sections are pages 5-7 and illustrate just how divisive that this Councilmember is to the City.


Council Chambers 
Monday, November 21, 2016 
6:30 p.m. 


Councilmember Yvette Daniel said for the past six months she has been dealing with a lot of issues. There are marked double-standards on this board. 

She has been and will continue to work diligently for the programs for the City. However, working in a hostile work environment, getting emails from Councilmembers saying to do business a certain way or she should leave. 

Emails with prejudicial comments and negative tone, and Councilmembers acting like she’s breaking the law just because she can. Second problem she has is disparity of treatment. The Mayor and Council voted to have a retreat which they knew she was unable to attend and still wanted to go forward thinking she did not want to be a part of the team. 

She was arbitrarily removed as liaison to the Youth Council and was confronted with a demand letter to pay. There are policies and procedures with credit cards but they’re not being followed. She doesn’t recall being asked to approve a ride supplied to a Councilmember by the City Attorney to bring him to the meeting. 

She has been impeded from putting items on the agenda. When she goes to staff, calls made when she leaves. She has raised thousands of dollars for the Youth Council, that is a slap in the face to have to pay back for planning a trip to build them. She supports Council up here and doesn’t feel it is afforded to her. 

Whatever comes of this, get ready. 

*Note:  Text of comment above has been broken into paragraphs for easier reading.

The quoted text from the opening of this thread is below FYI:

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